Investment TD-C16-i01

Investment TD-C16-i01

i01: Digital Empowerment of Enterprises (100 M€)

This investment, led and coordinated by IAPMEI, I.P. in association with the public entities responsible for employment, vocational training and qualifications, foresees the creation of two interconnected training programmes, using innovative approaches that aim to fill gaps in the digital skills of workers (employees and entrepreneurs) and enterprises:

  1. Portugal Digital Academy– platform and large-scale digital skills development programme that should allow workers in the business sector to: i) produce a self-assessment of their current digital skills level, taking into account the Portuguese Digital Skills Framework (PCDF) based on DigComp; ii) receive a personalised digital skills training plan with concrete goals, considering individual levels in each domain, personal goals and specific demands of the labour market (current and future) that may be linked to meeting skills needs in a more comprehensive way, to promote qualification completion paths; iii) access online training resources that allow the acquisition of new skills and attainment of the goals mentioned above; and iv) develop a personal passport that itemises, centralises and certifies information on the worker’s digital skills (whenever justified, in association with other existing systems, particularly the Qualifica passport);
  2. Digital Jobs 2025– program for digital technologies skills building that aims to respond to the challenges and opportunities in a number of business sectors, especially industry, commerce, services, tourism and agriculture, the sea economy and construction: sectors strongly impacted by digital transformation processes and the COVID-19 pandemic. This programme is a specialist strand of the “Portugal Digital Academy” that operationalises skills building in a face-to-face and blended learning format. It is aimed at company workers regardless of their digital skills level, and should contribute towards improving such skills to meet the specific needs of the enterprise sector and business areas in which they currently operate. Similar to the Employment + Digital programme launched in 2020, this initiative will be developed in close coordination with business confederations and associations.

The goal is to reach 800,000 trainees with digital skills diagnostics, individual training plans and access to online training, of which 200,000 will attend face-to-face or blended training.

Given the importance of the social economy in Portugal, representing 3% of Gross Value Added (GVA) and 6.1% of paid employment, the skills building initiatives integrated into this investment will be extended to workers in the entities that make up this sector.