Investment RE-C03-i02

Investment RE-C03-i02

i02: 360º Accessibility (45 M€)

The intention is to increase investment in improving physical accessibility for people with disabilities throughout the country, thus contributing towards mitigating the isolation felt by people with disabilities.

The significant number of people with disabilities in Portugal, the lack of accessibility to public buildings, public spaces and housing, and Portugal’s commitment to implementing the UNCRPD and complying with, defining or improving the national regulatory framework, highlight the need for intervention. Around 10.7% of the population (aged between 15 and 64) report having great difficulty with or being unable to carry out at least one of the six basic life activities.

The investment covers interventions to improve accessibility to public spaces for circulation and mobility (200,000 sq m of intervention), to public buildings serving the public (1,500 buildings) and 1,000 homes (specifically related to a certain disability).