Investment RE-C03-i05

Investment RE-C03-i05

i05: +Access Platform (3 M€)

The +Access Platform investment aims to bring together a set of information and digital tools, implementing new useful digital solutions in the inclusion of people with disabilities, namely resources and support measures, as well as existing legislation on this matter.

The platform will allow the consultation of geo-referenced content relating to the location of public and private properties that are accessible and usable by all, with an indication of the outdoor and indoor accessibility characteristics, as well as the respective services provided. The buildings will be fitted with the necessary equipment and software for the installation of information and global positioning systems (GPS). The solution will provide real-time guidance to all citizens, including those with visual impairments, in large public and private indoor spaces.

The aim is to act on five levels:

  1.  Provide solutions for geo-referencing accessibility conditions on public roads and the location of public and private properties that are accessible and usable by all, indicating the outdoor and indoor accessibility features, as well as existing services;
  2.  Provide buildings with infrastructure for equipment and software that will enable the installation of information and global positioning systems (GPS) for large indoor public spaces and enable the inclusion of private spaces, updated in real time;
  3.  Create a national geo-referencing system of the network of parking spaces for people with reduced mobility, with real-time information on the spaces available;
  4.  Pool, systematise and simplify information on support resources, legislation and specific measures for all types of disabilities;
  5.  Provide deaf citizens with a call centre offering real-time Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) interpretation services across all public services.