Investment RE-C04-i01

Investment RE-C04-i01

i01: Cultural Networks and Digital Transition (93 M€)

This investment aims at the following:

  •  Modernisation of the technological infrastructure of the network of cultural facilities – theatres, cinemas, cinematheques, museums, art centres, libraries, Torre do Tombo, National Library, conservation and restoration laboratories, the National Archive of the Moving Image, installation of the National Sound Archive – national and municipal public spaces. At the national level, this investment will enable the technological aspects of the cultural facilities network to be enhanced in terms of software, hardware and skilled resources, supporting the digital transition of the public cultural facilities network.
  •  The digitisation of arts and heritage – film, theatre, visual arts, music, dance, books, photography, sound heritage, historical archives. It is necessary to increase the rate of digitisation of artistic works and cultural heritage in Portugal, particularly in contemporary art, museums and national monuments and cinemas, which will improve the public experience and ensure the preservation of works of art and heritage in their most global expression.
  •  The internationalisation, modernisation and digital transition of books and authors – support for the Portuguese language and for agents linked to the book production and marketing chain, i.e. authors, publishers and bookshops, by supporting the translation of literary works, the publication of audiobooks and ebooks, as well as the modernisation and digital transition of bookshops.