Investment TD-C17-i01

Investment TD-C17-i01

i01: Public Finance Management Information Systems (163 M€)

The Recovery and Resilience Plan funds a series of investments in information systems with a view to improving the quality of public finances. The projects respond to the need to implement integrated management solutions, in a complete procedural approach to the revenue and expenditure cycles to ensure:

  •  Integrated procedural solutions for managing revenue and expenditure cycles;
  •  The Ministry of Finance’s integrated central management solution;
  •  A phased introduction of the recognition solution for the general state operations – State  Accounting Body;
  •  Redesign and implementation of the budget process, incorporating programme budgeting;
  •  Definition and implementation of the global consolidation process and its integration into the production of the Republic’s indicators and accounts;
  •  Modernisation and renewal of information systems;
  •  Modernisation of the state’s vehicle fleet information systems;
  •  Redesign and implementation of system architectures to optimise interoperability between systems and information sharing;
  •  Implementation of the SOC to allow an improvement in information security and data access, implementation of security policies and cybersecurity (information security) solutions;
  •  Technological evolution of the information systems in the areas transversal to financial management in terms of technological infrastructures;
  •  Consolidation of existing data from the DGTF’s SIIE State Property Inventory systems (SGI; Excel Sheets, GeoRef georeferencing) into a single staging area;
  •  Migration of existing Public Property Data in the staging area to the new SIGPIP system.