Investment TD-C19-i03

Investment TD-C19-i03

i03: Enhancing the overall cybersecurity framework to engender trust and confidence in the adoption of e-services (47M€)

Given the increased use of digital tools in public services, the business world and society in general, which was significantly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to strengthen the national cybersecurity framework through the structured and integrated enhancement of training in cybersecurity and the secure use of data.

This investment focuses on four measures:

  •  Enhancing capacity building in cybersecurity and information security;
  •  Increasing Security in Information Life Cycle Management;
  •  Implementing the national cybersecurity framework and transforming the current cybersecurity and information security coordination model;
  •  Creating the physical and technological conditions for the implementation and operationalisation of the new coordination model for cybersecurity and information security.