Category: C13

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment TC-C13-i03

Home > C13 Investment TC-C13-i03 i03: Energy efficiency in service buildings (€70m) The objective is investment in a significant wave of energy retrofits in service buildings, to promote energy efficiency and increase energy generation from renewable sources under a self-consumption system. The Environmental Fund, along with the Recuperar Portugal Mission Structure, is responsible for the [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment TC-C13-i02

Home > C13 Investment TC-C13-i02 i02: Energy efficiency in central government buildings (€240m) Managed by the Environmental Fund, this investment aims to promote a significant wave of energy retrofits in central government buildings and educational institutions (at all levels, including higher education), encourage energy and resource efficiency and increase energy generation from renewable sources under [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment TC-C13-i01

Home > C13 Investment TC-C13-i01 i01: Energy efficiency in residential buildings (€300m) This investment is the responsibility of the Environmental Fund and seeks to promote a significant wave of energy retrofits in residential buildings, promote energy and resource efficiency, strengthen energy production from renewable sources in self-consumption regime and the fight against energy poverty. These objectives [...]
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