C16: Enterprises 4.0

Enterprises 4.0


Enhancing the digitalisation of enterprises and catching up with the digital transition process

This component, with the specific goal of enhancing the digitalisation of enterprises, aims at catching up with the digital transition process, allowing access to knowledge and digital technological means that promote modernisation of work and production processes, elimination of workflows, mitigation of skills deficits in the use of digital technologies, balanced inclusion of women and men, incorporation of remote working tools and methodologies, creation of new digital channels for marketing and selling products and services, adoption of a culture of experimentation and innovation, strengthening of the national entrepreneurial ecosystem, and incorporation of disruptive technologies in enterprises’ value propositions.


TD-r31: Digital transition of business community


TD-C16-i01: Digital Empowerment of Enterprises 100 M
TD-C16-i02: Digital Transition of Enterprises 450 M
TD-C16-i03: Catalysing the Digital Transition of Enterprises 100 M

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