Category: C3

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C03-i06

Home > C3 Investment RE-C03-i06 i06: Integrated Operations in Disadvantaged Communities in the Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas (250 M€) The aim of this investment is to ensure an integrated approach in promoting the social inclusion of disadvantaged communities living in conditions of deprivation and exclusion. Projects should promote:  A commitment to vocational training and [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C03-i05

Home > C3 Investment RE-C03-i05 i05: +Access Platform (3 M€) The +Access Platform investment aims to bring together a set of information and digital tools, implementing new useful digital solutions in the inclusion of people with disabilities, namely resources and support measures, as well as existing legislation on this matter. The platform will allow the [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C03-i04

Home > C3 Investment RE-C03-i04 i04: Implementation of the Regional Strategy for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion - Social Support Networks in the Azores (35 M€) Ensure that all children and young people, from the beginning of their lives, are part of a process of integral and inclusive development by increasing children’s and young people's [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C03-i03

Home > C3 Investment RE-C03-i03 i03: Enhancing Social Services in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (83 M€) The Autonomous Region of Madeira intends to enhance Social Services by investing in Residential and Non-Residential Structures for the Elderly and in Support Structures for the Homeless, enhancing and consolidating the social support network, as outlined in the [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C03-i02

Home > C3 Investment RE-C03-i02 i02: 360º Accessibility (45 M€) The intention is to increase investment in improving physical accessibility for people with disabilities throughout the country, thus contributing towards mitigating the isolation felt by people with disabilities. The significant number of people with disabilities in Portugal, the lack of accessibility to public buildings, public spaces [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C03-i01

Home > C3 Investment RE-C03-i01 i01: New Generation of Social Services and Facilities (417 M€) The investments to be made with a view to implementing the New Generation of Social Services and Facilities are embodied in interventions at different levels and aligned with the national strategic framework for social inclusion, poverty reduction, active and healthy [...]
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