Category: C7

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C07-i05-RAA

Home > C7 Investment RE-C07-i05-RAA i05: Logistics routes - Azores Regional Road Network (60 M€) At the infrastructural level, the Autonomous Region of the Azores has made a strategic decision to improve access to population and economic activity centres and to the islands' main access infrastructures, the aerodrome/airport and seaports, intervention on main urban centre [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C07-i04

Home > C7 Investment RE-C07-i04 i04: Business Hosting Areas (AAE) - Accessibility by Road (142 M€) It is essential to complete a set of road accesses to guarantee the efficient and economic entry and exit of goods, leveraging the investment already made in the Business Hosting Areas. The following investments are highlighted:  Mundão Industrial Park [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C07-i03

Home > C7 Investment RE-C07-i03 i03: Cross-border connections (65 M€) The aim is to leverage development, boost cross-border mobility and reduce red tape by means of the following investment, highlighting the importance of involvement in links such as:  Vinhais / Bragança (bypass);  Bragança to Puebla de Sanabria (ES) link;  International bridge over the River Sever; [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C07-i02

Home > C7 Investment RE-C07-i02 i02: Missing links and increasing network capacity (313 M€) The aim is to promote the elimination of urban crossings and to adjust the capacity of the road network, reducing journey times, the emission of polluting gases and congestion and to improve access to major corridors and multimodal interfaces, cutting red [...]
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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Investment RE-C07-i01

Home > C7 Investment RE-C07-i01 i01: Business Hosting Areas (AAE) (110 M€) The intention is to implement a new AAE model that responds to new approaches to innovation, new and more technological concepts and awareness of the need for virtuous connections with scientific and technological systems requiring the implementation of a new AAE model. This [...]
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